This is fun! I keep going in circles, but at least it's making more sense. And I did find 'compose' again, so life is good.
Plan & Learn has stimulated a lot of interest at the branch. We're chatting about our blogs and thinking how apply what we're learning. And some of us are still a bit glassy-eyed. Of the 7 1/2 habits, #1 is the easiest for me. I know where I'm going, but the roadmap isn't always clear. #5, creating my own toolbox, initially seems it will be the most difficult. I work well on my own, and reaching out to others on the web for help doesn't feel comfortable. But there is hope! My daughter helped me create a Facebook page, and even agreed (with a little coertion) to be my Friend. Now she's tutoring me on fun stuff like embellishing my page, using SKYPE, and IMing (when I said luddite, I meant it). So, this will be a grand adventure, and I look forward to entering the 21st century in style.