Saturday, August 30, 2008


I'm curious how people keep up with blogging and blogs. There must be 2 billion of them out there, many with vast followingings (how do you find them?!!), and others that seem dead in the water (do they ever go away?). Just setting up the perfect blog, attaching the perfect mash-ups etc., is a continual and massive undertaking. Maybe it's a generational thing - I have so many other things to do with my time. I look to technology to make my life easier, not necessarily to complicate it by joining other 'communities'. And I'm not comfortable with the idea that absolutely anybody could be reading my words. My hope is that with time, this will feel more natural.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Dead duck

Hmm, I don't get how to save my specific montage. Anybody know?

Rubber Duckie, you're the one! I tried a photomontage of ducks. It's pretty cute. There are so many mash-ups... Once I have loaded more pictures into Flickr, it will be fun to try cards or badges or whatever. Really making use of these things requires a lot more time than I have to spend. Guess it'll be exploration by inches. Is that like being nibbled to death by ducks??

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Originally uploaded by ZenGoddess
I've got it, I've got it; by George I think I've got it!


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Flickring right along

This was a little more complicated, but I think I've got the hang of it. This New Book display is untouched by me - it just happened to have books on some of my favorite topics sitting right there! It took 2 tries to get this right. First, I loaded the picture and realized that it hadn't been saved on Flickr. Clearly, I had missed a step somewhere... So I went back and figured how to pull the picture right off the camera - sweet! But I'm not sure whether the picture on my blog is traceable to Flickr?

Monday, August 18, 2008

Life in Dr. Seuss World

Thing 3 and Thing 4 knock on the door, cavort on the floor, always demand more! The blog is up and I'm figuring out stuff like adding gadgets & pictures. I can see how people can get sucked up in this & count their time in hours online. Then of course the Tracking Log has 'issues'. Honey, we all have 'issues'! More time spent. There it went. Heaven sent. Hell bent. I don't know - if people read this, it could get embarassing!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Play & Learn @ CML

This is fun! I keep going in circles, but at least it's making more sense. And I did find 'compose' again, so life is good.

Plan & Learn has stimulated a lot of interest at the branch. We're chatting about our blogs and thinking how apply what we're learning. And some of us are still a bit glassy-eyed. Of the 7 1/2 habits, #1 is the easiest for me. I know where I'm going, but the roadmap isn't always clear. #5, creating my own toolbox, initially seems it will be the most difficult. I work well on my own, and reaching out to others on the web for help doesn't feel comfortable. But there is hope! My daughter helped me create a Facebook page, and even agreed (with a little coertion) to be my Friend. Now she's tutoring me on fun stuff like embellishing my page, using SKYPE, and IMing (when I said luddite, I meant it). So, this will be a grand adventure, and I look forward to entering the 21st century in style.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Brave New World

This all seems easy, but the complexities are creeping in: OK, I have the blog, now what? What on earth can I say that anyone else would care to read? How do I get my page to look the way I want? This is a little nervewracking to a luddite like me. But lead the way - I'm excited to be taking the plunge!